Thursday, 23 March 2006

A Simple Starting Point Online

So you wonder what all the hype about working online is all about, you wonder if you can really make money, how easy is it and what experience and equipment you will need.

Well Yes you can make money online or there wouldn't be so many people doing it. The amount depends on your knowledge commitment and training and the ability to put what you learn into action. However it does take time to build up regular customers, learn the techniques and apply them. You will need a PC or laptop and an internet connection, a printer would be helpful too.

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How easy is it, well that depends on your existing knowledge and determination to succeed. There are new things to learn, how good are you at following instructions?

If you find a mentor in the niche you are interested in, who will work with beginners, who you can relate to, someone who works with your style of learning you should find the learning curve straight forward.

Choose a mentor providing excellent products, who allows you to direct your prospects to their sales pages with your own individual affiliate link and it will save you a lot of effort initially. A good mentor has a proven plan which is tried and tested and will enable you to earn as soon as possible. It will be in their interest as it will be their products that you will be selling!

You will probably have to purchase training; either a course or tuition but it will save you time and money in the long run. If you choose to use paid traffic to speed up your progress you will need some cash to start with until it becomes self funding. Free organic traffic is the alternative but it will take longer to grow your business.

So now you have learnt a bit about affiliate marketing, why should you consider setting up a business online? Well I find it fun and rewarding, I love learning new techniques. The internet is always changing; what works this year might not be so successful next year, or in a few months, you have to keep testing and adapting.

If you fancy eventually being your own boss and being in charge of your life with time freedom to work around family life or other commitments it can be an excellent choice.

You may just want a small hobby business to raise holiday cash and also give you an interesting hobby, the choice of how big your venture becomes depends on the time effort and commitment you invest. I find affiliate marketing rewarding and there are many ways to diversify when you have mastered the initial stages, however affiliate marketing is a very good starting point for beginning an online business. It gives you the opportunity to discover if working at home is really what you want to do.

Books to help you:

"Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway" by Susan Jeffers.

"Thank God it's Monday" by Charles Cameron and Suzanne Elusor, a book to offer strategies for making life more tolerable whilst you make changes.

"Laptop Millionaire" by Mark Anastasi.

"Building an Online Cash Cow" by Anthony Barlow.

My name is Anne -"We always aim to give more value than you expect"

Best Wishes in your venture, take a look at the information to grow your business FAST.

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